Monday, July 27, 2009

How can you have a simple life?

How can you have a simple life? Once lived in China, the American life is much complicated compare to old Chinese life.

Now China is catching America to have a more complicated life. In old time China, we can go to hospital without making appointment with doctor or go have a hair cut without making appointment with your hairstylist. In China, most people don't have checks; we pay out fees once a year at electronic company or cable company. We don't have to mail all the bills.

Here in US, all these bills stack up and it's a mess sometimes. People can't find things and have to make to their appointment on time. In order to make your life easier, it's best to get organized and get rid things you don't need any more. You life will become much simple and easier and pleasing once every thing is organized.

Few suggestions, to have a simple life:

  1. If you haven't used some thing for 3 years, you probably won't use it all. It's good to sell it, give to your friends who need it, donate it or trash it.
  2. Put similar item together, you can find them easily. For example: leave all the bill letter in one drawer, or you can put them in a 3 ring binder.
  3. Choose a day in a month to pay the bill, so you don't have to pay 4 different bills at 4 different days and go to post office 4 times.
  4. Limit credit card, if you only have one credit card, you only have to pay one bill and you build your credit faster on one.
  5. Magazine really pile up, get rid of them or read magazine in Library.
  6. TV really sucks up your time, if you watch TV 2 hrs a day, 2* 365= 730hrs

You almost wasted one month of your life on TV. Do Tai Chi or gardening instead of watching TV. They are good for your body and soul.

Any other suggestions for a simple life??

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