Monday, April 28, 2008

Seeding for Tai Chi in the Early Spring

What a beautiful day to do some yard cleaning! After blow all the leaves to the corner and collect two bags of leave in my backyard. I did the mulches.

I started seeding after. First, I planted seed for Painted Daisy, and Shasta daisy. It’s nice since they are perennial which means they will come back next year. I also started seeds for carrots, long string beans, and tomatoes. After pruned my roses, I putted some fertilizer all over. Then I watered all of them through.

It’s always nice to create a clean, organized and relaxed environment for yourself. Clean backyard keeps the bugs away because they love to hide under the leaves. You would feel more positive, relaxed, and your mind will be more sharp in an organized environment. After all, who would rather prefer to do Tai Chi or any thing in a back yard coved with slippery leaves and bugs?

Primrose, and strawberry is blooming. The Purple Heart is also blooming, which I moved from living room to out side. Tulips are ready to bloom soon. Probably next month, the peony will come out soon. They are my favorite! It’s the season of spring. When everything had a great rest at winter and now they can’t wait to show off. It’s the season of energy, happiness and hope. It’s also the season of unexpected. You never know maybe some wild flower have visited your garden and now it will come out. Maybe that will happen to your Tai Chi if you have been practice whole winter long!
This Article is copyrighted By Huan’s Tai Chi

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